Posted on , by susandykes16

We are all complex people. Even the most simple ones have complexity at the core of their being.
I know because on the surface I appear to be simple, at least in my eyes. I want to be someone who looks at life with an open heart. Someone who can dig deep to see value in everyone and everything.
I desire to ask the hard questions to help find connections and patterns in what lies within, as well as without.
But underneath, I am complex. I analyze everything. Maybe this came from my upbringing where dad said measure twice, cut once. Maybe it comes from my mom who suggested I always look twice before crossing the road. Then again, maybe the researcher in me is one part of my inner personality I’ve learned to appreciate and adore.
The road I’ve taken shows me that “life, with all of its ups and downs, is about the how and why of the interconnection we have with ourselves, and with each other.”
Each of us is inspired by different occurrences, fascinated with unique topics of interest, and moved beyond our comfort zone by our individual ways. While some prefer to read fiction that makes them feel welcome and warm, others ask the hard questions that make them think.
This is me. Vulnerable enough to put my own feelings on paper (well, digitally) in hopes that they will resonate with you on some level. My interest does not fit within a simple or single box.
On any given day I may look towards Biblical parables as a way to remind myself there is something bigger than I in charge of the Universe. This may lead me to jump in my car in search of beauty from the creator.
On another day I may glance at the stars and their locations in the sky as a way to isolate my feelings, my upset, anxiety, and awe – that’s astrology. And some days, I simply write from the heart all the dismay I feel, the ideals I imagine, and the hope I have for society. From relationships to personal growth to finding ways to overcome – one never knows what is to be found within these pages. Short stories with ideas that move us forward (I hope).
I have no plans of being everything to everyone, there is too much people-pleasing going on as it is. I would never say one size fits all – it didn’t for me on the road I’ve traveled.
But this site is my home for various interests and curiosities. It’s my way of getting out of my own shell and sharing with you insights that might help you recognize value at the deepest level. After all, we’re in this together.
As stated, this site is my home and represents my own varied interests, from the body to mind, to spirit, to beauty, to today’s society and reactions.
There is no fee for being here on this journey with me. All I ask is for an open mind, one that is curious, pondering, looking for beauty, and asking questions relevant to all we see today.
Welcome to my blog.